Almost any repair takes a lot of effort, money and time. Therefore, each stage of the work in the house you found on the website requires separate attention. Some solutions at first seem like a good idea. However, in reality they become the cause of problems and inconveniences. Listed below are solutions that are better to give up.
1: Combining the kitchen and the room
It is not possible to demolish the wall between them, even if it is not load-bearing. There is an alternative option. It consists of expanding the doorway by installing an arch. This is allowed when there is an electric stove. In the case of a gas stove, you have to refrain from the idea.
During cooking, the smell, soot and noise will end up in the living room. An additional disadvantage of combining is the presence of one room instead of two. If the apartment has many tenants, and there are few rooms, the idea is bound to fail.
2: Expanding the room by means of a pantry or a built-in closet

Such a thing only makes sense when they are empty. Otherwise, the pleasure of spacious space will soon disappear. Few people like the look of a cluttered dwelling.
3: Demolition of the wall between the toilet and bathroom
This option is suitable if no more than two people live in the apartment. For a large family, it will create a lot of inconvenience. After all, there will definitely be a queue under the door.
4: Replace a necessary overhaul with an expensive cosmetic repair
Sometimes there is not enough money for a major repair, which is why they do only cosmetics. It is highly recommended to take a different approach. It is better to buy inexpensive wallpaper, but replace the old floors with new ones. Then update the cracked windows, electrical wiring and pipes. If they get damaged, the new finish will be ruined.
5: Lack of a plan for the arrangement of furniture before the completion of the repair
In this case, you may encounter an inconvenient location of outlets or “warm flooring” under the closet. It is preferable to think in advance about the future furnishings.
6: Saving on the number of outlets
It costs money to install each individual outlet. Some people decide to go with fewer outlets to save money. At first, the decision seems like the only right one. However, when the renovation is over, the action will be regretted. The outlets will be too few.
There is a more practical option on a tight budget. Instead of several outlets to make one in different corners. Then you won’t have to pull an extension cord across the room.
7: Choosing embossed or velour wallpaper for a child’s room
Children love to poke at unusual wallpaper. The activity gives the kids a lot of joy, due to which soon the decor will be spoiled. Courageous parents are strongly advised not to glue the wallpaper near the child’s bed.
8: Prefer dark flooring
Many people think that dark colors are not as staining as light colors. The usual rule is not relevant here, though. It is advisable to prefer shades that serve as a kind of golden mean. These include beige, gray, walnut and brown.
9: Installing door handles with pointed edges
If you hit such a handle, you can cut yourself or get a bruise. Products with rounded edges are considered safer, although sharp edges look nicer.
10: Excessive trust in craftsmen when accepting work
Even professional workers can sometimes slack off. Before paying for their work, it’s worth making sure it’s of good quality. Floors should be level and corners should be correct. Well-laid tiles hold firmly. It does not hurt to check the serviceability of electrical wiring. You can ask the master to visually show the quality of work.
Before you start the repair, you need to think carefully about all the details. Considered ideas are great only on paper. Before they are put into practice, you need to think carefully.